This is the easy bit. You simply add a great stretch from your existing Purestretch choreography that you feel is an appropriate note to finish purestretch with power on.
Let’s remind ourselves of what happens when you stretch?
A bit more info..

Ballistic Stretching
This type of stretching uses a bouncy type of movement that encourages the muscle to lengthen. This technique does have its use, mainly, for highly trained athletes who are under the close supervision of stretch experts. Therefore, although we think its fab, we do not use ballistic stretches in purestretch routines.
Too scary for us!
Why would we want to do ballistic stretching? Too scary and risky for us in a class environment!

Static Passive Stretching
A static passive stretch is a stretch which is held for 30 seconds using a gentle force to keep you in that position. Static stretching is one of the most popular types of stretches as you encourage length whilst the body is relaxed, creating a calm state of mind and effective breathing. We call these types of stretches the “feel good” stretches… the ones that make you go “ahhhhhhhh……”

Static Active Stretching
This is a stretch where you use one muscle to lengthen the other. If a muscle is contracting the opposing muscle must be lengthening and therefore stretching. As a muscle is having to actively contract for this type of stretching, it is difficult to hold the stretch for a long period of time and so these types of stretches are only held for 10-30 seconds. In purestretch, we say 10-20 seconds as we want smiley faces- not grimacing!

Dynamic Stretching
We love dynamic stretching! This is a safe, functional and enjoyable way to stretch. Dynamic stretching uses movement, but in a controlled motion which you can gradually increase in range. This is slow and gentle and must never force the joints past functional range of movement.

Isometric Stretching
This type of stretch is holding a stretch without motion and then asking that lengthened muscle to isometrically contract. By introducing isometric contraction to a lengthened muscle, all of those muscle fibres that usually hide at the back and don’t stretch, are being forced to contract and then lengthen. Therefore isometric stretching is a great way to develop your flexibility and we believe it is more effective than passive or active stretching alone. However, isometric stretching can be quite demanding on the muscle tendons and joints – so teach this well! Keep an eye on your competitive group…. no eye flinching, no shaking limbs or holding the breath!

Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation
Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) is a technique that is a combination of passive and isometric stretching. PNF stretching involves taking the muscle into a stretched position and then asking that lengthened muscle to isometrically contract against a fixed force for 10 seconds. This isometric contraction is then released and the muscle is immediately taken into a passive stretch, lengthening the muscle further. This process can then be repeated again to increase muscle length. The PNF technique relies on effective and efficient proprioception and therefore isn’t always recommended in a class environment (although it is a fab technique!).
For the super stretch at the end of class we will mostly use Static Stretching but hold for a longer time which can be demanding on the muscles- so teach this well! Make sure there is no eye flinching, shaking limbs or breath holding!